Friday, October 21, 2011


     This was not the best of days for me.  I feel a little down, which is awful for a Friday!  First, my husband gets back from driving tractor trailer and gets into bed (found Collin, my 2 year old in bed with me, too) 25 mins before the alarm was to ring.  Why?  Why God?  Why must he come in right before the alarm rings?  Does he not know that I get up with sometimes 4 children off and on throughout the night?  Let me sleep my slumber until the alarm rings...please, oh please grant me this small wish!  Grr.
     Collin was the screamer on the bus today.  Both trips, am and pm.  Rowan is usually the culprit, but, long and behold, it was my little, sweet boy, Collin.  He screamed bloody murder.  Screamed because no one was sitting with him.  Screamed because his shoes were on.  Screamed because he wanted a drink.  To be honest with you, he hasn't pooped in 3 days...which puts him in a terrible sort of mood.  But, his pooping is a WHOLE other story.
     My eldest, Sydney (9), wanted to go to her best friend's Halloween party tonight.  Well, at 5 pm, she was to go to her Father's house.  I called and spoke to her stepmother last evening, and she told me that they had plans.  SO, I decided that if I spoke with her father, perhaps he'd have a different answery.  He told me this "Didn't you talk to my wife last night?  The answer is No.  End of story."  Well, glory be!  What a gent he is!  So, she was heartbroken.  Oh well.  What can I do?
     We went to get groceries this evening, because I'd love to do nothing more than sit on my butt tomorrow, catch up on some Farmville (facebook), make applesauce, perhaps even become a bit daring and make an apple cake or apple crisp, and completely, utterly VEG.  I know the crew may not allow it, but I am going to try my damnedest!  I hope everyone has a relaxing, Autumny weekend!

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